Be a transformer rather than just a performer.
Why chose a yoga teacher training with Sundara Yoga Teacher Training?
5 compelling reasons to sign up:
1. We have been teaching since 2004 and attended ourselves various prestigious teacher training. After all these years of teaching, we have not lost our passion!
2. We teach applied anatomy and physiology of yoga. You will not learn the name over 650 muscles (who cares) but what you can do with certain muscle groups to go deeper! You will learn how to be safe in your practice and most importantly, those of others and avoid knee, lower back, shoulder and neck injuries! We teach you more than only four bandhas and how to circulate information and energy within your body more effectively without using the cardio as the main pump.
3. We look at yoga in the context of history and how it is still relevant nowadays but adapt to a modern body and contemplate how we can be part of the evolution of yoga.
5. You will also learn about marketing and sales skills. Yes, don’t think being a yogi the universe will provide if you don’t’ stay savvy in those skills. The combined experience of over 20 years gives you a head start to others. We will teach you even SEO. SEO what? Search Engine Optimization, so people find the amazing you!
All this in only Saturdays and Sundays, so you are free to work from Monday to Friday.
6. There is one more point? Yes, we mentor you for 6 months afterwards! So, it’s not just thanks for your money, here is your certificate, we care for you! You will be an outstanding ethical yogi with a thriving business and a support network. You will develop your own practice and become a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher.
If you want to find out more, come to our next yoga teacher training taster (TBD). You can ask us questions, and we give you a free taster class and presentation. This course is fully recognized by Yoga Alliance Professionals (200 hours and plus) …
Is money holding you back? Think about it for a moment. Do you think teacher training is only for other people? Do you see others doing it, but look for reasons to justify why they are doing it but not you?
Do you believe that others are blessed with better opportunities and therefore can permit themselves to go and do something beneficial for themselves? So often when we look at those things, we let money determine our decisions of not to do it or say: “not yet” “maybe later”. It's time now! Find out more!
We are holding a taster session on 29 September. Only limited spaces.